Looking for something new to try? We will have scapes at the farmers market tomorrow in winnemucca 

What are scapes? 

Although garlic plants do not flower, they do produce flower stalks. On hardneck garlic, the stalks are known as garlic scapes and they are surprisingly tasty and versatile to use in the kitchen.

Garlic scapes start to form a month or so after the first leaves. They start off growing somewhat straight and then start curving in circles. Most gardeners cut the scapes off of their garlic plants, since leaving them on only diverts the plant’s strength and energy away from forming a plump bulb.

How to Use Garlic Scapes

If you harvest your scapes young and tender, you can chop them into salads or use them as a topping, as you would use scallions. More mature scapes can be sauteed lightly and used over pasta, with eggs, mixed with cooking greens, pickled or pretty much in any dish that would be complemented by garlic.

Want to give them a try? We will have some! 

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