Heat lamps!

It’s cold out all of the US and babies are starting to be born! I’m seeing a lot of heat lamps being used and gosh those things just give me pause. Every year I hear about a barn or three burning completely down with loss of life ?

Although I have certainly used them in the past, I no longer use the cheapie ones you can buy at the feed stores. I use the more expensive ones from premier that have a plastic cage, a heavier cord and a MUCH thicker bulb. Yes, they are an investment, yes you have to order them online and they take a few days, but a barn fire is not worth the risk! Do yourself a favor and order some to be prepared for babies!

Here is an excellent article from Cornell on heat lamps and tips for safety. Happy baby season everyone!


Lamps can be ordered here https://www.premier1supplies.com/p/prima-heat-lamp?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtbnjBRDBARIsAO3zDl_4UoZ0LOx0V8M2jp52z4POKY9kRfui-9VThfGI1s-_cz3BiVXgaLEaAgBEEALw_wcB

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